sommerfeld formula

美 [ˈsɑmərfɛld ˈfɔːrmjələ]




  1. Covariant form of sommerfeld's formula for spherical wave and application in fiber optics
  2. Starting with the sommerfeld's integral representation for RF field of a elementary current, the formula for calculating radiation properties of horizontal wire antennas in or near partially ablated stratified dielectric structures are presented.
  3. On the basis of introducing Sommerfeld integral calculation for Euler transformation, the progressive expressions of Bessel function and spectral Green's function in layered media are used to derive the formula of remainder for the algorithm.
  4. An analytical formula of the mutual impedance between overhead conductors and underground conductors is presented by means of the reasonable approximation of refraction and attenuation coefficients of generalized Sommerfeld integral in the earth field.
  5. Comparison and experimental verification of kirchhoff-Fresnel diffraction formula and Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction formula